Legislative Priorities and Priority Bills

See this year’s legislative agenda and check out our 2024 Priority Bills.

Our Agenda

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Early Childhood Day at the Capitol

The Arizona Early Childhood Alliance (AZECA) hosted its 8th annual Day at the Capitol for parents, advocates, and legislators to raise awareness of the importance of a child’s earliest years.

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Oral Health Day at the Capitol

This year, CAA joined the Arizona Oral Health Coalition at the Capitol.

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The Countdown Begins:

AZ Students Need a Permanent Fix to the School Spending Limit


Various people smiling and working together

Moving forward.
Creating change.
Impacting lives.

Our 2024 Legislative Priorities

The 2024 Children’s Action Alliance legislative agenda works to assure the community conditions necessary to allow all Arizona families to have equitable access to high-quality education, health care, child well-being, services, and employment. We strive to live in an Arizona where all children and families thrive.

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Legislative Agenda

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Priority Bill Tracking

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Issues we support

We work to create an Arizona where every child is safe, loved, and has access to quality education and affordable health care.

AZ Kids Count Data Book

Get the facts

Our signature resource, the Arizona KIDS COUNT Data Book, is the only Data Book that focuses on statewide data trends about children. The Data Book is one of many ways we inform and influence others to advance policies to benefit Arizona children.

Kids Count Data Book

Read the latest


ICYM: Elevate Her Event

As we closed out June, the Arizona Center for Economic Progress and Children’s Action Alliance gathered with leaders from a broad spectrum of backgrounds to host a data filled forum on the impact that lack of child care and paid family medical leave have on women, their families, and the economy. Why…

Arizona’s Group Home Problem – An Opportunity Missed

Children in Arizona and their Well-Being


Supporting Children and Families in Yuma County


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