2020 Annual Report
“It is not easy to try to change things at the state capitol and at the federal level. It takes donors, funders, the community, and a dedicated experienced staff who knows what they are doing. We are making a difference. We saw the difference made last year with the passage of Prop. 208, and with millions of new dollars going into child care subsidies. More resources are going to grandparents raising grandchildren and to foster youth who are aging out of the foster care system to help them avoid being evicted from their housing. All of that could not have been possible without the support of donors and funders.”
David Lujan
President and CEO
Creating an Arizona where all children thrive.
Arizonans voted to increase funding for public schools by more than $900 million annually
CARES Act funding directed to keep early childhood care and education intact throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.
CARES Act funding directed to the Department of Child Safety for eviction prevention assistance for transition-age foster youth and kinship families.
Former foster youth have continuous and uninterrupted health care coverage to age 26.
Our vision
An Arizona where all children and families thrive.
Our mission
Children’s Action Alliance is an independent voice that identifies and eliminates barriers to the well-being of children and families and creates opportunities through partnerships and policy solutions.
Children’s Action Alliance is committed to living our values in all the actions we take and decisions we make, ensuring data and facts play a central role. We hold ourselves accountable to these commitments for the children, youth, families, and communities we work alongside.
2020 Financials
2020 Outreach Numbers
Increase in Facebook Impressions from 2019
Totaling 2,023,271
Increase in Twitter Impressions from 2019
Totaling 484,267.
(Children's Action Alliance and The Arizona Center for Economic Progress combined.)
Policy Reports & Issue Briefs
In addition to 60 Legislative District Profiles.
Advocacy letters, press releases, blogs, and e-news