Arizona at a Glance
Arizona is in the process of demographic change. Did you know 6 in 10 children are Latino, Black, Asian or American Indian, and 1 in 4 children are growing up in an immigrant household?
Yet, they are more likely than their White peers to lack the fundamental supports for growing up healthy and strong.

435,936 under 5 years old
1,642,657 under 18 years old
Children of color in Arizona are much more likely to live in poverty
High School graduation rates improved, but most children of color still face barriers
Family and community
Children in Foster Care (Ages 0-17, Rate Per 1,000) | 2009 5.9 | 2018 8.2 | Worse |
Children Being Raised by Their Grandparents |
2012 8% | 2018 9% | Worse |
Children in Juvenile Detention Centers (Ages 8-17, Rate Per 1,000) |
2009 11.8 | 2018 1.2 | Better |
Opportunity Youth (16-19 Year Olds Not Enrolled in School and Not Working) |
2009 6% | 2018 4% | Better |
Dropout Rate (Grades 7-12, Rate per 1,000) |
2009 2.9 | 2019 3.9 | Worse |
3-and 4-Year Olds Enrolled in Preschool | 2009 34% | 2018 38% | Better |
3rd Graders Passing AzMERIT English Language Arts Test |
2015 40% | 2019 46% | Better |
8th Graders Passing AzMERIT Math Test |
2015 34% | 2019 32% | Worse |
4-Year High School Cohort Graduation Rate |
2009 76% | 2019 78% | Better |
Low Birth-Weight Babies | 2009 7.1% | 2017 7.5% | Worse |
Teen Births | 2009 24.4% | 2017 11% | Better |
Children Without Health Insurance | 2012 13% | 2018 8.4% | Better |
Economic Well-Being
Median Income for Families with Children (Adjusted for Inflation, 2018) |
2009 $63,978 | 2018 $61,784 | Worse |
Children Living in Poverty |
2009 21% | 2018 23% | Worse |
Children Living in Families Where all Parents are in the Labor Force |
2009 63% | 2018 65% | Better |
Children in Households that are Rent Burdened | 2009 38% | 2018 32% | Better |
Children Participating in SNAP |
2009 40% | 2018 34% | Worse |
Children Participating in TANF |
2009 7% | 2018 2% | Worse |
Children Participating in Child Care Assistance |
2009 4% | 2019 4% | Same |