Group Homes – Our Take
You may be seeing the term “group homes” in the news this week. The topic is being discussed due to a budget shortfall to fund group home placements for children in the foster care system in Arizona. While the executive and legislative branches haggle over process, timing, and dollars, what Children’s…

Proposed Cuts to School Meals Put Arizona Kids at Risk
Each day, millions of students fuel their minds and bodies with good, nutritious meals at their schools. School meals have proven to support children’s health and development while improving test scores, attendance, and behavior. However, access to school meals for thousands of children in Arizona…

Kids Need Health Insurance
Every child should have access to health care. Being able to see a health care provider for preventative health care and to treat illness is essential to the ability of a child to thrive. Yet, Arizona has the second highest rate of uninsured children in the United States. That’s just one reason why…

Congressional Proposal Would Put 923,400 Children, Seniors, and Arizonans with Disabilities at Risk of Hunger
923,400 people in Arizona who participate in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) could be at risk of going hungry if Congress moves forward with a plan to cut $230 billion or more from the program over nearly 10 years. The specific details of the cuts are not public yet, but some Congressional…

February: A Month of Advocacy for Early Childhood Policies
February is the shortest month, but for Children’s Action Alliance (CAA), it was a long and important month of advocating for Arizonans. CAA had presence at both the Arizona State Capitol and on Capitol Hill in Washington D.C. promoting solutions that are needed and matter to young children and families…

Celebrating Arizona, Preparing for Its Future: Join Our Policy Briefing
Today, as we celebrate Arizona’s Statehood Day, we’re reminded of the decisions and policies that have shaped our communities over the past years—and the critical role we all play in shaping the path ahead. Please join Children’s Action Alliance for a webinar briefing on state...

Children’s Action Alliance asks you to immediately email or call Chairwoman Carine Werner and ask her to include SB1305 on next week’s Senate Health and Human Services (HHS) Committee agenda. Background on Bill SB1305: Temporary assistance; child-only case sponsored…

Lived Experiences Leadership Academy (LELA) Day at the Capitol: Empowering Voices for Change
LELA members and CAA staff with House Chief of Staff, Michael Hunter (center).

National Medicaid Day of Action
Today is a National Medicaid Day of Action. This means people all around the country are working to bring attention to why Medicaid is so important to people, the overall health care system, and our economy. Here are some fast facts about Medicaid in Arizona: As we watch a flurry of actions…

Act Now: Support or Oppose Key Bills in Committee for Kids
Your voice matters! The Arizona Legislature will discuss some important bills tomorrow, and Children’s Action Alliance encourages you to leave a comment for legislators. Please use the Request to Speak (RTS) system to weigh in on the bills listed below. The bills will be heard in the…