Mohamed and his son in his grocery store, Phoenix Mini Market

KIDS COUNT Data Book is the only source to focus on statewide trends about Arizona’s children

Children’s Action Alliance (CAA) is proud to present the 2020 Arizona KIDS COUNT Data Book—the only biennial source to focus on statewide trends about Arizona’s children. Thanks to the support of the Annie E. Casey Foundation, this powerful resource helps inform decision-makers and stakeholders about the economic, social, and physical well-being of children and their families throughout the state. In addition to the Data Book, statewide and county indicators can be found on our new and updated website – along with other resources, toolkits, and information on how to advocate for children and families.

As you know, CAA regularly uses data as a compelling tool to find common ground across geography and political ideology to create an Arizona where every child is safe, loved, and has access to quality education and affordable health care. In this KIDS COUNT Data Book, the data show Arizona has made important strides in improving the conditions for children since the Great Recession - before the unprecedented challenges our communities, our state and our nation have faced due to the COVID-19 health crisis.

The 2020 Arizona KIDS COUNT Data Book offers a closer look at the strengths and contributions of immigrant families as more than 1 in 4 children are growing up in an immigrant household and 6 in 10 Arizona children are children of color.  Despite the changing demographics in the state, children of color are more likely than their White peers to lack the fundamental supports to grow up healthy and strong. It is our hope that YOU - lawmakers, advocates, and state agency leaders use the information in this Data Book to address the long-standing structural inequities in our state. It is time to move towards an Arizona that provides opportunity for all children, not a privileged few.

As advocates for children, we will continue to challenge ourselves to think creatively and critically to find new ways to support Arizona’s children and families. Join us and use the Data Book and other resources on our new website to spark action for measurable and positive change.

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