
Call Senator McSally: Arizona’s Families Need Financial Relief NOW

Arizona will soon feel the one-two punch of the costs of a large-scale public health emergency and a deep economic shutdown. We will need substantial financial relief to address our health needs and avoid deep budget cuts affecting children and families.

Things are moving rapidly in Washington as Congress continues to negotiate a COVID-19 economic stimulus package.

Now is the time to let key members of Congress know we need a comprehensive stimulus package to help regular Arizonans struggling to make ends meet.

Call Senator McSally now and let her know Congress must act to:

  • Boost the federal match to Medicaid/AHCCCS to help us through the health crisis AND stimulate our state economy.
  • Expand access to the Unemployment Insurance system so that more workers who lose their jobs qualify.
  • Provide fiscal relief to the states to help fend off a state budget shortfall, which could lead to big cuts to public education funding and other critical needs like the more than $1 billion shortfall that happened during the Great Recession.
  • Support Arizona families by helping to keep food on their tables with additional food assistance through SNAP (formerly food stamps).

The measures recommended here are proven to be most effective in reducing poverty and stimulating the economy during a recession.

These are extraordinary times that call on everyone to work collectively to ensure we all get through this together. Please, make a plan to call Senator McSally TODAY.

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