
KidsCare Premiums Waived During COVID-19 Emergency

Great news! For the duration of the COVID-19 emergency, KidsCare health coverage premiums and any premium balances are waived! Arizona will also stop disenrollment of AHCCCS/Medicaid participants, unless the individual moves out of state or voluntarily opts out of coverage. Participants who were disenrolled during the month of March will have their coverage reinstated for the duration of the emergency.

Children’s Action Alliance commends this step and supports efforts by AHCCCS and the Governor’s office to remove financial barriers to receiving health care. This virus can only be contained if people are able to access the testing and treatment they need quickly and seamlessly. This decision truly affirms our state Medicaid agency’s commitment to stopping COVID-19. To further reduce barriers to care and help Arizona contain this crisis, CAA urges AHCCCS to expand presumptive eligibility and reinstate prior quarter coverage. These steps will reduce administrative barriers for participants and will enable people to seek health care while their applications are being processed.

A health coverage navigator can help you find low- or no-cost health insurance. To make an appointment with a navigator, visit or call 1-800-377-3536. If you are not eligible for Medicaid/AHCCCS coverage, you can seek low or no-cost care at a federally qualified community health center (FQHC). To find an FQHC near you, visit

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