
Give to CAA TODAY to Help FAAZ and AZGA

Please help CAA improve the lives of Arizona’s children, by participating in our Arizona Gives campaign. This effort, which continues all month long, kicks off TODAY, with #ArizonaGivesDay. Our AZ Gives campaign focuses on two groups who were already struggling to find a sense of normalcy and to be successful with limited resources before the pandemic – transition-age foster youth and kinship caregivers. Fostering Advocates Arizona (FAAZ), is a group of dynamic young leaders who have experienced foster care and who advocate to improve Arizona’s foster care system, and AZ Grandparents and Kinship Caregivers (AZGA) is a support and legislative advocacy network creating positive change for kinship families.

Click here to learn more and to donate

Today, we ask all Arizonans to come together to show support for nonprofits! The Rondeau Family will generously match up to $5,000 for donations made on their fundraising page. Click here to learn why they support CAA and to donate.

Your donation may be eligible for an above-the-line deduction (for total charitable contributions of up to $300) as Congress just passed the CARES Act in response to the Coronavirus pandemic. This charitable giving incentive applies to contributions made in 2020 and can be claimed when you file your taxes next year.  Please consult your tax preparer or consultant for more information.

Thank you for your continued support. A special thanks to the Rondeau family not only for the match donation but for opening their hearts and home to foster two beautiful girls.

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