Act Now: Support or Oppose Key Bills in Committee for Kids

Your voice matters! The Arizona Legislature will discuss some important bills tomorrow, and Children’s Action Alliance encourages you to leave a comment for legislators. Please use the Request to Speak (RTS) system to weigh in on the bills listed below. 

The bills will be heard in the Arizona Senate Health and Human Services Committee tomorrow:

Date: February 5, 2025

Time: 9:00 AM Location: Senate Hearing Room 2 

► SB1246: Child Neglect; Exception; Financial Resources

  • Summary: Redefines “neglect” to exclude certain circumstances that are solely due to poverty.
  • Impact: Ensures that the definition of neglect in Arizona is clear that poverty does not equal neglect. 
  • CAA Position: SUPPORT

► SB1303: Extended Foster Care Service Model

  • Summary: Establishes in law a support and mentoring program for youth in extended foster care, focusing on education, career, housing, and more.
  • Impact: Provides essential support for youth transitioning into adulthood after foster care. 
  • CAA Position: SUPPORT

Click on the bill links to read the legislation and learn the details. If you would like to make legislators aware of your position, use the RTS system

If you don't have an RTS account, please fill out the form, and we can activate an account for you and walk you through the process for future opportunities to make your voice heard. 

Thank you for standing with Arizona's children and families!

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