
ACTION ALERT: Tell Congress to Include every American Family in COVID-19 Relief and Recovery

The U.S. Senate finally introduced their version of the next COVID-19 relief bill and a vote could come as early as this week. Though there is speculation that the new bill doesn't have the votes to pass, now is a critical moment to reach out to lawmakers. With this next legislation, we have an opportunity to put our stated values into action and include families of all backgrounds in the recovery. Join us on this day of action for immigrant families by contacting your senators to let them know how you feel.  

Even though 1 in 4 children in Arizona have a parent who is an immigrant, the previous federal COVID-19 relief packages left out entire households, simply because of one parent’s citizenship status. In Arizona, 104,000 children live in an immigrant household that did not receive a stimulus payment due to an ITIN filing. Nearly, 1 out of 6 immigrants in Arizona works in an essential job, including caring for sick and elderly people, growing food, and keeping grocery stores stocked. Additionally, many immigrants and low-income Arizonans have not had adequate access to COVID-19 medical services. It’s critical that testing, treatment, and vaccines are readily available to everyone, regardless of their ability to pay or immigration status.

  • Roughly 45% of all confirmed COVID-19 cases in children (age 0-17) are Latino but, Latinos make up 25% of the U.S. child population (data as of August 13, 2020).
  • Nineteen percent of non-elderly Latinos had no form of health insurance before the pandemic. As of July 21, more than 22% of Latinos report having no form of health coverage.
  • Throughout July, 21% of Latino households with children have food insecurities.
  • A recent poll by UnidosUS in Arizona, Florida, and Texas, more than 40% of laid off Latino workers did not know if they qualified for unemployment insurance. Of those who applied, roughly one-third were rejected or never heard back.

Immigrants are valued members of society, and the exclusion of certain immigrants undermines our economic recovery and public health. CAA believes that we are stronger when everyone in society gets the same chance to thrive and succeed. Email Senators Sinema and McSally today and demand a more inclusive recovery bill that provides health access and economic relief to everyone. 

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