
All Arizonans Need Paid Family Medical Leave

Paid family medical leave is a policy that serves children, families, and our economy. The Center for Law and Social Policy has released a new report that shares data surrounding the impact of paid family medical leave across the nation.

Hundreds of thousands of Arizonans need paid leave, but there is no established state paid family and medical leave program. Paid leave can be used to care for a new child, to heal from a serious illness, or to care for a loved one facing health challenges. When paid leave is not available, Arizonans often take an economic loss to care for themselves or a child or family member. In 2020, 35.3% of Arizonans took unpaid leave to care for a new child, with many also taking unpaid leave to care for their own health (29.4%) and to be a family caregiver (25.4%).

Many may wonder – why is this a children's issue? Because, as the report notes, paid leave supports:

  • improved health outcomes;
  • improved infant and toddler development;
  • better maternal mental and physical health;
  • reduced infant mortality; and
  • household economic security following the birth of a child.

Children’s Action Alliance advocates for paid family medical leave in Arizona and in federal policy because it is an important benefit that results in healthier families.

Read the report to see the impact on Arizona and become a part of the advocacy for paid family medical leave.

Click here to read the full report.

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