Announcing David Lujan as CEO and President

Announcing David Lujan, President and CEO

On behalf of the board of directors, I am pleased to announce David Lujan as President and CEO of Children’s Action Alliance. Since January, David has led CAA through the development of a new three-year strategic plan, and a theory of change that focuses on equity as the foundation on which CAA will help build an Arizona where all children and families thrive.

David joined CAA in 2016, as the inaugural director of The Arizona Center for Economic Progress to advance policies that create fairer tax codes that raise the revenue needed for an economy that puts people first, builds thriving communities, and better economic opportunities for all Arizonans. Before joining CAA, David has worked in public policy in Arizona for over 20 years in several roles including a former member of the state Senate and House of Representatives, as an attorney for a nonprofit assisting abused and neglected children, and as an assistant attorney general advising the School Facilities Board.

Most recently, David has been an outspoken proponent for Proposition 208. His influence to mobilize coalitions, and his ability to increase awareness through the media urged voters to support the proposition which will now bring hundreds of millions of new dollars in K-12 public education funding to address Arizona’s teacher shortage, reduce class sizes, hire more aides and counselors, and expand career and technical education.

With David’s leadership, we are confident CAA will continue to identify and eliminate barriers to the well-being of children and families and create opportunities through partnerships and policy solutions.

In the coming months, we will look to fill the director position for the AZ Center, and we will share more details about the strategic plan for CAA.

Until then, please join me in congratulating David on his new role.

Brint Milward, PhD

Board Chair

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