Category: Announcement

Thank you for 35 years and counting....

Our annual gathering, Through the Eyes of a Child celebration, was a big success. More than 120 supporters gathered to celebrate CAA’s 35 years of improving the well-being of children, and the people who have worked to make it possible.  We appreciate all our sponsors, and champions for children, including Governor Katie Hobbs, for her leadership and for officially proclaiming November 1st as Children's Action Alliance Day!

Your continued support is crucial in creating an Arizona where children and families thrive.



Incoming CEO January Contreras (left), and CAA Board of Directors Chair, Ayensa Millan (right) joined Governor Hobbs for presentation

(in center from left to right) Rep. Schwiebert, Rep. Pawlik, and Sen. Epstein joined CAA staff for the celebration.






New Hires

Welcome our newest hires to Children's Action Alliance and the Arizona Center for Economic Progress.

Sarah Bentley is the Communications Engagement Coordinator for both CAA and the AZCenter.  She leads both state and federal advocacy outreach for issues like the Aggregate Expenditure Limit (AEL) school spending cap, and Paid Family and Medical Leave (PFML). Prior to joining the team, she worked as a Public Affairs Executive at Rose Allyn Public Relations where she specialized in crisis control, event management, and investor relations. During the pandemic, Sarah served as a Policy Intern for Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego where she handled constituent concerns and community outreach. Sarah holds a Bachelor’s degree in Public Service and Public Policy as well as a Bachelor’s degree in Sustainability from Arizona State University. She is excited to use her experience in community engagement to advance the mission and policy agenda of CAA and the AZCenter.


Matt Jewett returned to the role of CAA's Director of Health Policy in March 2023, having previously worked in that role and as CAA’s Research Associate from 2004 to 2013. He has led outreach campaigns that increased AHCCCS and KidsCare health insurance enrollment. Overseeing grants for Mountain Park Health Center from 2013 to 2023, Matt managed up to $35 million a year in grant funds, including for the construction of a new clinic. Matt was a member of the Creighton Elementary School District Governing Board in Phoenix for six years. He is a graduate of the University of Arizona, has studied graduate-level public health at A.T. Still University, and enjoys a good cup of tea, growing his vinyl collection, and exploring his home state of Arizona…and the world.


As an Economic Policy Analyst for the AZCenter, Connor Leavy Murphy performs data analysis, research, and advocacy to advance policy solutions at both the state and federal level addressing poverty, economic well-being, and a fairer tax code. Most recently Connor was a Policy Analyst with the City of Santa Fe, New Mexico in the City Attorney’s Office and the Office of Legislation and Policy Innovation. Previously, Connor worked as a Field Organizer with the Arizona Democratic Party’s Coordinated Campaign, Mission for Arizona. In May 2020, Connor graduated from the Sandra Day O’Connor College of Law at Arizona State University with a Master of Legal Studies. Prior to earning his MLS, Connor worked as a Donald W. Reynolds Fellow with the Carnegie-Knight News21 Initiative, where he received the 2019 Robert F. Kennedy Journalism Award in the college category as a member of News21.


JoAnna Mendoza is the Executive Director of the AZCenter and a retired US Marine Veteran.  After retiring from the Marine Corps, JoAnna worked for a foster licensing agency contracted by the State of Arizona to find homes for children in foster care and developmental homes for children and adults with special needs. A few years later, JoAnna transitioned to working with vulnerable veterans and found her way to serving in government again, as a Veteran Service Representative and the Deputy District Director for a Member of Congress from the Arizona Congressional Delegation. JoAnna holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Intelligence Studies, a Master’s of Science in Leadership with an emphasis on disaster preparedness, a Public Leadership Credential from Executive Education at Harvard Kennedy School, a Brand Management Certificate from Cornell, and a Professional Certificate in Social Media Management from Georgetown.


Franklin Zyriek is an Economic Policy Analyst for the AZCenter and joins the team after serving as a legislative correspondent in Senator Kyrsten Sinema’s Office. In that role, he worked on energy, environmental, public lands, and Tribal issues and supported Senator Sinema’s actions on the U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation. Franklin grew up in Tempe and is a proud product of Arizona’s public K-12 schools. He earned his Master’s in Public Policy degree from American University as well as a B.A. in Communications, Legal Institutions, Economics, and Government and a Certificate in Advanced Leadership Studies from AU. Other previous roles include serving as a deputy field organizer for the Biden presidential campaign in Iowa and graduate legislative intern in Salt River Project’s federal affairs office in D.C.


Meet the CAA and AZCenter teams

SAVE THE DATE:  March 8 - Support oral health for the whole family at the Capitol

Research has shown that oral health is a core part of overall health, shaping well-being at every age. Dental disease can harm heart, and lungs, complicate diabetes, and even impact cognitive abilities as everyone gets older. Good oral health is also important in ensuring healthy pregnancies and thriving children.  Untreated dental disease may lead to complications such as preeclampsia—a potentially fatal blood pressure condition, preterm delivery, and lower birth weight babies. Additionally, children are much more likely to have cavities if their birth parent has untreated cavities or tooth loss, and they are much more likely to miss school due to pain in the mouth.

In Arizona, over two million adults, over the age of 21 who participate in AHCCCS, do not have a dental benefit for preventative services. Oral health benefits in Arizona are reserved for emergencies and capped at $1,000, with very few exceptions. This leaves many Arizonans with costly visits to emergency departments as their only treatment option, and often it leads to the removal of teeth for preventable dental conditions. Recent research shows that offering a comprehensive dental benefit could reduce emergency department utilization in Arizona, and save the state millions of dollars each year, while improving the overall health of individuals and families.

Dental disease is a problem we can solve. Join Children’s Action Alliance and the Arizona Oral Health Coalition on March 8th for our Oral Health Day at the Capitol to tell lawmakers to make oral health a priority during this legislative session.

Register today!

Visit the AZOHC website to learn more and take action!

Please Turn In Your Signature Petitions NOW!

In three weeks, Save Our Schools Arizona turns in signatures to stop yet another universal voucher scheme — they need them back ASAP! 

This year’s ill advised, universal voucher expansion already has 6500+ applicants, the vast majority of which have NEVER stepped foot in a public school. Vouchers have never been about “choice”: it’s about subsidizing private education while defunding public schools. This number will expand dramatically over the next few months if we do not turn in 118,823 valid signatures by Sept. 23 — stripping hundreds of millions from our public school classrooms, teachers, and children.  

 We have got to get this job done and stop this horrific bill in its tracks. That means we need every signature and every petition back ASAP. We’ve got this, but only if everyone does their part.  

 Save Our Schools has events all over the state where you can notarize & return signatures: 

 Find a notary here: 

 Public schools are on the line. Find detailed directions HERE for turn-in.  


AZECA’s Full Partnership Meeting and the Rollout of the New Membership Model

The Arizona Early Childhood Alliance (AZECA) will hold a full partnership meeting on August 29th, 2022 to discuss the roll out of the new membership model and updated website.  

AZECA is an alliance of 50+ cross-sector partners statewide who are working together to give every Arizona child a great start in life. AZECA serves as Arizona’s shared and unified voice on early childhood, providing informed messages and credible resources that help leaders create positive change for Arizona’s children. These efforts are designed to ensure that all Arizona children are prepared for kindergarten and are on track to succeed by the end of third grade.   

Starting in 2023, AZECA’s new membership model will offer partners exciting new benefits including access to the AZECA Children’s Policy Institute and an opportunity to participate in the annual Early Childhood Day at the Capitol lobby event.    

AZECA welcomes new partners to join in on their critical work of directly influencing program and policy solutions for early childhood by collectively working together with lawmakers, practitioners, foundations, businesses, and other supporting collaboratives. 

Please join AZECA virtually for the Full Partnership meeting:  

  • When: August 29th, 2022 from 12:00 p.m.-2:00 p.m.    
  • Where: Zoom   

 Discussion and Insight on:    

  • Legislative Update   
  • The rollout of the new AZECA Membership Model   
  • AZECA Member Benefits   
  • Membership Drive Activity    
  • Leadership Team Nomination Process   
  • Partner Information, Celebrations and Announcements    

 Click HERE to register for the meeting 

Save Our Schools Arizona Petition Drive

Save Our Schools Arizona is running a statewide referendum to stop the universal voucher expansion passed by the legislature and signed by the Governor earlier this summer. This expansion will strip Arizona public schools of hundreds of millions of dollars a year. This means our taxpayer funds will be diverted to unaccountable private academies with no transparency or oversight of public dollars. Mad? Furious? Join the efforts to Stop Voucher Expansion:

The Arizona legislature passed this bill in June, defying the will of Arizona voters who already rejected universal vouchers in 2018 by a 2-1 margin. But SOSAZ is fighting back. By collecting 218,823 valid signatures by Sept. 23, 2022, they are working to stop the law from going into effect and put it on the 2024 ballot, where AZ voters will reject it once and for all.

The stakes could not be higher - this is a referendum to decide the future of education in Arizona and across the nation.

How can you help?

Join the August Signature Slam this weekend:

If you already have petitions, thank you! Please turn them in as soon as possible, and consider grabbing another to fill out in August. There are easy opportunities to plug in and volunteer:

If you need petitions to circulate to friends and family, PLEASE act quickly. You can get petitions at any Petition Hub at or any August Signature Slam event this weekend:

Make no mistake - our public schools are under attack and Arizona is the tip of the spear.

We must put a stop to this before they eradicate the cornerstone of our democracy - public education. Donate at

Happy Birthday to the Children’s Health Insurance Program!

Today marks a special anniversary: the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP) is 25 years old. The program, known as “KidsCare” in Arizona, has established itself as a critical federal-state partnership to meet children’s health care needs.  

Arizona hasn’t always embraced the program. In fact, for years Arizona was the only state in the US without an active CHIP. But that doesn’t mean we haven’t reaped its benefits.  

Over the past 25 years, CHIP and Medicaid have sharply reduced the rate of uninsured children—in Arizona, the child uninsured rate dropped from 16% in 2008 to 9% in 2019, despite a lengthy KidsCare enrollment freeze. 

KidsCare covers kids whose families earn too much to qualify for Medicaid (AHCCCS) but too little to afford private health insurance. Together with Medicaid (AHCCCS) and the Affordable Care Act, KidsCare works to provide no- or low-cost health coverage for kids - including doctor and dentist visits, immunizations, prescriptions, emergency care, and more. These programs work together to meet children’s health care needs and ensure that no one is left behind.  

As we mark the anniversary of CHIP’s federal passage into law this week, we celebrate a bipartisan commitment to caring for our nation’s kids. We must renew this commitment and permanently fund CHIP so that states like Arizona can successfully and responsibly keep KidsCare running, and kids can get the care they need.  


When the COVID-19 continuous coverage protections are lifted, thousands of children in Arizona are at risk of becoming uninsured. This will disproportionately affect BIPOC children, children living in rural Arizona, and – importantly – families who participate in KidsCare.  

That’s why Children’s Action Alliance worked with state lawmakers to pass legislation protecting coverage for children who participate in our CHIP program during the 2022 Legislative session.  

HB2551 – sponsored by Representative Regina Cobb – helps cut through the red tape and burdensome paperwork requirements. It will ensure that children who qualify for KidsCare can stay continuously covered for a full year – even if their household’s circumstances temporarily improve.  

Looking ahead, Arizona can do more to help children thrive by removing barriers to enrollment in AHCCCS and KidsCare. We must: 

  • Make CHIP funding permanent at the federal level, so kids health care isn’t used as a political bargaining tool. 
  • Raise the income limit for KidsCare to at least the national median of 255% FPL. 
  • Remove monthly KidsCare premiums.  
  • End the 3 month wait period for KidsCare coverage. 
  • Expand coverage options for immigrant children. 
  • Ensure children who participate in AHCCCS are also guaranteed twelve months of continuous coverage.  

RESILIENCE Through the Eyes of a Child, Tuesday, October 25

Thank you to all our sponsors and attendees for their support of our mission!

Children's Action Alliance is proud to honor amazing community members and elected officials who support children and families.


Horace Steele Child Advocacy Award Honoree

SHAWN PEARSON, Founder of Zion Institute

Jacque Steiner Public Leadership Award Honoree


Jacque Steiner Public Leadership Posthumous Award Honoree


Abortion is More Than Health Care

Children’s Action Alliance envisions an Arizona where all children and families can thrive. We cannot stay silent about today’s decision by the Supreme Court of the United States to overturn Roe v. Wade.

Today’s decision will not stop abortion in our state – not for those with resources. But it will prevent Arizonans from exercising their right to make informed decisions about their health care, maintain autonomy over their bodies, and to choose when and how to start a family.

Abortion is health care – and it’s so much more. Abortion is financial security. It’s an education. It’s the ability to plan for a better future. Without that choice, Arizonans will continue to fall prey to a system that’s designed to benefit those with means by harming those without.

For over three decades, CAA has been advocating for children and families. For over three decades, our state lawmakers have systematically denied these families the tools to build a better future. There has rarely been anything “pro-life” or “pro-family” about how our state invests its resources.

Since our nation’s founding, Black, Indigenous, and People of Color have been forced to fight for the most basic of rights: control of their own bodies. From slavery and colonization to the Tuskeegee study and forced sterilization to today’s unacceptable maternal mortality rates for BIPOC individuals, the United States government and its institutions have maintained White supremacy through conscious restriction of reproductive rights.

The state of Arizona is equally complicit in this subjugation.

Each year Arizona receives millions in federal TANF dollars. Most states use these funds to provide flexible assistance to families struggling to afford rent, utilities, diapers, medicine. But only a tiny portion of Arizona’s TANF money is invested in keeping families clothed, fed, and housed. The lucky few who do receive assistance through the program are wound up in red tape and reporting requirements and lose access to aid after just two years.

It's no wonder, then, that Arizona families struggle to pay rent, put food on the table, and provide the essentials. And it’s no wonder that 92% of DCS referrals are not a result of physical or sexual abuse, but neglect – insufficient shelter, poor nutrition, inadequate childcare, unmet medical needs.

Seven in ten Black children in Maricopa County will experience a DCS investigation at some point in their childhood, and Black parents are four times as likely to have their parental rights severed by the state. Arizona’s standard TANF payment for a family of four is just $335 per month; by contrast, foster parents in the state are paid an average of $700 per child per month, which does not include additional costs assumed by the state when a child enters DCS care.

It should not come as a surprise that the vast majority of foster caregivers in the state are White.

It’s not just a lack of financial assistance that hinders Arizona families’ ability to be well and stay together. Inequity is baked into our health care systems. One in four American Indian children in Arizona is uninsured, despite being disproportionately likely to qualify for AHCCCS or KidsCare; though centuries of treaties are supposed to assure Tribal members access to health care, the US government has never adequately funded the Indian Health Service or other Tribal health programs. Unsurprisingly, Indigenous individuals in Arizona are nearly four times as likely to die during or in the year after pregnancy. Despite being more likely to work year-round, Latinx households are less likely to have access to employer-sponsored health coverage. Black and Latinx children are more likely to be impacted by chronic diseases like Asthma, but less likely to have access to preventive care to keep them out of the hospital and stave off medical debt.

Today’s decision reminds us why it is so critical for Arizonans to select leaders at every level who will prioritize health care, economic supports, and reproductive justice.