
COVID-19 Relief Package Four: Children and Families Must Be a Priority

CAA is paying close attention to reports that members of Congress are currently negotiating a fourth COVID-19 package. Our team has worked with stakeholders across the state to identify key priorities for children and families and sent each member of Arizona’s Congressional delegation our asks.

Though the federal government has already passed several pieces of COVID-19 response legislation, states like Arizona will need more resources to combat the pandemic and help working families survive the economic contraction. Many of the resources for children and families that were cut during the great recession still have not been fully restored. According to an early estimate, Arizona could have a $1.1 billion state budget deficit by the end of the coming fiscal year, due to a tax revenue shortfall from the COVID-19 pandemic.

This is why it is most important that any new federal legislation include further financial relief to help states balance their budgets and avoid the type of drastic cuts we saw during the Great Recession.

Other key asks are to:

  • Increase fiscal support dedicated to childcare for a total of $50 billion to offer immediate relief to families, childcare providers, and educators during this crisis.
  • Preserve health coverage by providing additional federal match dollars for Medicaid.
    Expand stimulus payments to immigrant families who filed 2018 and 2019 taxes under an Individual Tax Identification Number (ITIN).
  • CAA appreciates the Congressional delegation's leadership for their hard work during these unprecedented times. We encourage them to continue to prioritize the needs of children and families and to help Arizona balance its budget. Both are critically needed to help Arizonans get through this crisis.

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