Families First Forum: Uniting for Arizona's Families
The Inaugural Families First Forum is in the books! Children’s Action Alliance and the Arizona Center for Economic Progress joined forces with Wildfire and the Arizona Alliance for Community Health Centers to host the Families First Forum on November 14th at the Children’s Museum of Phoenix.
The forum brought together many amazing Arizona leaders from various policy and service delivery areas to learn about one another’s issues and priorities so we can champion solutions for children and families together. This is especially necessary as we prepare to defend essential services that make a difference for struggling Arizonans.
We were honored to have Bryan Samuels, the Executive Director of Chapin Hall, join us as our keynote speaker. Bryan shared data that makes it clear that keeping families out of economic crisis helps keep families out of the foster care system.
Throughout the day, we built on themes of data, lived experience, and listening to one another to learn how our work is connected, in part because we all share a commitment to serving the same Arizonans.
Thanks to all who attended the Families First Forum as we work towards stronger coalition work.
And thank you to the Arizona leaders who joined us as speakers:
- Adriana Garcia Maximiliano, To the Max Strategies LLC
- April Bradham, Arizona Food Bank Network
- Athyna Rock, Northern Arizona Council of Governments Head Start
- Chris Gilfillan, Living United for Change in Arizona
- Claire Louge, Prevent Child Abuse Arizona
- David Gonzalez, Southwest Human Development Head Start
- David Higuera, Children’s Action Alliance Board of Directors
- Dulce Quevedo, AZ Head Start Association Parent Advocacy
- Geraldine Miranda, Arizona Center for Economic Progress
- Jacob Holley, Fostering Advocates Arizona
- January Contreras, Children’s Action Alliance
- Jessica Yanow, Arizona Alliance for Community Health Centers
- Joseph Palomino, Arizona Center for Economic Progress
- Kelly McGowan, Wildfire
- Lisa Florian, United Way of Tucson and Southern Arizona
- Lupe Reynoso Jimenez, Aliento
- Matt Jewett, Children’s Action Alliance
- Mike Renaud, Valle Del Sol
- Teniqua Broughton, The State of Black Arizona
Thanks also to our sponsors:
- Latinas in Philanthropy and Service
- Child Abuse Prevention Arizona
We have a lot of work to get done together and our partnerships matter more than ever. Our great thanks to everyone who made the forum happen. We will continue to build on this foundation to collectively drive a policy agenda that supports children and families in Arizona.