
Help Grand Families, Kinship Caregivers and Foster Youth Rise in the Face of Adversity

During this stressful time of the COVID-19 pandemic, we are reminded why our communities – children, parents, caregivers, co-workers, friends and donors like you – are so important to us. We appreciate your support in our relentless fight to improve the health, safety and education of Arizona’s children. Sadly, these basic needs for children are at even greater risk during these unsettling times. Now more than ever, Children’s Action Alliance (CAA) is pushing forward to ensure every child in our state is safe, healthy, and loved.

Please help CAA improve the lives of Arizona’s children, by participating in our Arizona Gives campaign. This effort, which we will continue all month long, kicks off tomorrow, April 7, with Arizona Gives Day. It is a day for all Arizonans to come together to show support for nonprofits!

Our AZ Gives campaign focuses on two groups who were already struggling to find a sense of normalcy and to be successful with limited resources before the pandemic – transition-age foster youth and kinship caregivers. Fostering Advocates Arizona (FAAZ), is a group of dynamic young leaders who have experienced foster care and who advocate to improve Arizona’s foster care system, and AZ Grandparents and Kinship Caregivers (AZGA) is a support and legislative advocacy network creating positive change for kinship families.

There are a couple ways you can participate this year aside from making a general donation.

  1. You can support and champion CAA by creating your own fundraising page! Simply visit our profile and click on “Create a Fundraiser” to get started.
  2. Become a sponsor and help us make donations go further with a matching gift! Match donations for an hour (or more) – just choose your time and the amount you’re willing to match. Reply to this email or call 602.266.07070 x202.

Your gift demonstrates to AZGA and FAAZ that the CAA community is together in the face of great adversity.

Philanthropy is a personal act of generosity, and only you know your situation. Respectfully, we ask that you reflect on your personal situation and consider a gift to CAA that is meaningful to you.

P.S. Did you know Section 2204 of the CARES Act that Congress just passed in response to the Coronavirus pandemic includes, an above-the-line deduction (universal or non-itemizer deduction that applies to all taxpayers) for total charitable contributions of up to $300? This charitable giving incentive applies to contributions made in 2020 and can be claimed when you file your taxes next year. Please consult your tax preparer or consultant for more information

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