
Join Our New Club!

Are you passionate about your community? Want to influence opinions and create positive change?  Join the club! CAA’s new Letter-To-Editor Club or Let’s Tell ‘Em Club (LTE) offers training to help you use your voice to educate your community and elected officials about issues that impact you, your family, and your community.

Have you ever read your local printed or digital news source and wanted to weigh in on an issue? We’re here to help community members from across Arizona do just this. We’re kicking off our LTE club with two training dates—one at night and one in the morning. Please sign up below. If any of the below are true for you, please join us!

✓ You’re excited about something happening in your community that you want more people to know about (For example, KidsCare health insurance was recently expanded!)

✓ You feel like your community may not know enough about an issue that is making you lose sleep at night (For example, I want to start a new job, but I can’t afford child care!).

✓ You don’t have a ton of time to dedicate to advocacy, but writing one letter to the editor is something you can do with a bit of help from Team CAA (For example, I can’t volunteer at my local food bank, but I can write a letter asking my legislator to support anti-hunger programs).

During the training, our CEO, January Contreras, and team members will explain what makes an outstanding letter to the editor and how we can help you get your letter published and promoted. We will gather monthly to discuss our achievements and obstacles and learn from each other.

You can make a significant impact with small actions!

Sign up for our virtual training here:

Tuesday, June 4, 6:00 PM and Friday, June 7, 9:30 AM

We hope to see you soon!

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