
Look at How Our Community Rallies in the Face of Adversity!

We are so grateful for your support of our AZ Gives campaign to benefit AZGA and FAAZ – especially during these unsettling times.  In a single day, we raised over $3,000 for critical assistance and outreach activities for grandparents raising grandchildren, kinship caregivers, and transition-age foster youth.

We will continue to raise funds for this campaign through April. The Rondeau Family has agreed to generously match donations up to $5,000. If you have not done so, please consider making a gift to CAA that is meaningful to you.

On behalf of the more than 198,000 children in our state being raised by grandparents and other relatives and foster youth who age out of the system each year, thank you for your continued support of our mission to improve the lives of Arizona’s children.

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Children’s Action Alliance asks you to immediately email or call Chairwoman Carine Werner and ask her to include SB1305 on next week’s Senate Health and Human Services (HHS) Committee agenda.    Background on Bill  SB1305:  Temporary assistance; child-only case sponsored…

Lived Experiences Leadership Academy (LELA) Day at the Capitol: Empowering Voices for Change

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National Medicaid Day of Action

Today is a National Medicaid Day of Action. This means people all around the country are working to bring attention to why Medicaid is so important to people, the overall health care system, and our economy.  Here are some fast facts about Medicaid in Arizona: As we watch a flurry of actions…