May is National Foster Care Month: 5 Ways to Show Your Support

May is National Foster Care Month! CAA and its partner Fostering Advocates Arizona (FAAZ), a group of policy advocates with lived expertise, are using the month to raise awareness about the needs of transition-age foster youth. Here are 5 things you can do to help!   

  1. Read and share the Presidential Proclamation for National Foster Care Month
  2. Follow FAAZ on Instagram @fosteringadvocatesarizona and share its posts with your own social networks. Share your own stories about foster care and use the #NFCM and #FosteringAdvocatesAZ hashtags to help us find your posts.
  3. Update your Zoom background to honor the month! *See custom graphic below for download*
  4. Participate in the FAAZ Foster Life Challenge! Designed by young people who have experienced the struggles of foster care firsthand, the FAAZ Foster Life Challenge simulates just one of the many daily hardships for a teen in foster care. Participating will increase your empathy and understanding, raise awareness of key issues that impact normalcy for young adults in care, and encourage advocacy. Learn more about the FAAZ Challenge.
  5. Support FAAZ by making a donation. Every dollar you give helps young people who experience foster care!
Thank you for joining us for National Foster Care Month! By raising awareness about the needs of older foster youth and former foster youth, you can help our efforts to improve Arizona’s child welfare system and support the successful transition of youth who age out of foster care.    

Zoom Background

* Please Note: Save the image above to set as your zoom background > Then go to your zoom settings and select "background & filters" > Upload the image! When applying this background be sure to un-mirror your camera using the checkbox below your background selection.*


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