
Much needed help is on the way to child care providers

Big thanks to the Arizona Department of Economic Security (DES) and the Governor’s Office for recently launching the Arizona Child Care Stabilization Grant Program. The program was made possible with funds from the American Rescue Plan, the most recent Biden Administration COVID relief package passed by Congress in March 2021.

To help sustain Arizona's child care system which continues to be severely impacted by the COVID pandemic, this DES grant program will provide a consistent funding source to help early child care and education providers to cover the increased costs and other challenges brought on by the pandemic. Funds can be used for a variety of expenses like rent, supplies, and utilities. Also, the funds can cover teacher salaries, benefits, enhanced wages, and/or bonuses + incentives to help address the workforce shortage that continues to plague the industry.

Licensed child care providers, DES non-certified relatives, DES certified family child care, DHS certified group home, and tribal and military regulated providers. Once approved, providers will receive automatic, monthly flat payments of up to $10,000 per month through July 2023. Apply by August 15 to receive the first payment at the end of August 2021.

More information about the grant program

Grant applications

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