National Medicaid Day of Action

Today is a National Medicaid Day of Action. This means people all around the country are working to bring attention to why Medicaid is so important to people, the overall health care system, and our economy. 

Here are some fast facts about Medicaid in Arizona:

As we watch a flurry of actions emerge from our nation’s Capital, it is important that Medicaid is treated with the seriousness it deserves. We can help federal leaders understand how vital Medicaid is to people, the economy, and our overall health care system.   

What can you do?

  • Help share these facts with your colleagues and community. You can download the PDF from the e-mail to share with your own community. 
  • Write a social media post or a letter to your local paper to share how Medicaid matters to everyone, including you. 
  • Let your elected federal representatives know that we are counting on them to protect Medicaid and not shift huge costs to families and providers who are already dealing with rising prices. You can reach your member of Arizona’s congressional delegation at 866-426-2631. 

Medicaid is important to our state and our lives. Let’s work together to ensure that policymakers know this.

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