ACA Repeal

New Health Insurance Law Leaves Arizonans With Pre-Existing Conditions in the Lurch

In these unprecedented times, it’s more important than ever to prioritize access to quality, affordable health coverage and a robust health care safety net for every Arizonan.

Yet, the Affordable Care Act is under attack. Arizona Attorney General Mark Brnovich is among those leading the charge to repeal the hallmark health care legislation. The Supreme Court of the United States is slated to hear the case this fall. Their decision could overturn all or some crucial elements of the ACA – including Medicaid expansion, mandatory coverage for the ten essential health benefits, and protection for individuals with preexisting conditions, to name just a few.

On June 5th, Governor Ducey signed Senate Bill 1397 into law. This bill, sponsored by state Senator J.D. Mesnard, and backed by Attorney General Brnovich, provides protection to Arizonans living with a deniable health condition in the event that the ACA is ruled unconstitutional – but the legislation does not go nearly far enough. Though the bill prohibits insurers from denying coverage, it does not contain the community rating or the essential health benefits provisions. Community rating guarantees a person won’t be charged much higher premiums because of a pre-existing condition. Without these critical protections Arizonans may be presented with a devil's bargain: pay exorbitant insurance premiums or lose access to lifesaving health care.

Without comprehensive federal legislation, the critical health benefits and rights afforded by the ACA would be severely weakened, and families in Arizona would be left with gaps in a patchwork of state-level laws governing health care.

Join over a thousand Arizonans who have signed our petition urging Attorney General Brnovich to remove himself from the California v. Texas lawsuit today, and tell all our lawmakers: #AZNeedstheACA.

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