
Only 36 days left to get Invest in Ed on the ballot

With 36 days left to collect signatures and secure Invest in Ed’s spot on the November ballot, Arizona’s kids, educators and economy need your help.

Invest in Ed has the potential to secure Arizona’s future and restore cuts made to education during the LAST recession.

Help us get the signatures we need safely, responsibly, and legally:

1. Sign the Invest in Ed Petition

Find an opportunity to sign the Invest in Ed petition at a petition station near you, or sign up to have an Invest in Ed petition mailed to your home for you and other registered voters in your household to sign.

2. Host a Petition Station

Our grassroots volunteers are hosting petition stations across the state. Here, supporters are able to sign the Invest in Ed petition, pick up a new petition, or bring petitions they’ve collected to be notarized and turned in. Volunteers have hosted petition stations at their homes, places of worship, and other spaces in the community. Sign up to host a petition station here.

3. Send Texts and Make Calls

We need your help reaching out to voters about Invest in Ed and getting them involved in our grassroots movement. Sign up to send text messages and make calls, both of which can be done from the comfort and safety of your home.

4. Chip in to Power Our Grassroots Movement

Invest in Ed is a grassroots movement to restore K-12 education funding and power our economic recovery. We rely on supporters like you chipping in $10 or whatever you can afford. Donate to Invest in Ed here.

This effort will take all of us, working together, from now until we submit our signatures on July 2.

Let’s get to work!

Paid for by Children’s Action Alliance and the Arizona Center for Economic Progress. Not authorized by any candidate.

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