
Operation: Affordable Healthcare

Any toddler will tell you that a band-aid can fix most problems - but really big boo-boos need really big solutions. That’s why we’re launching Operation: Affordable Healthcare, a campaign to help heal the American healthcare system. The mission? Access to affordable, high-quality healthcare for all.

The Operation: Affordable Healthcare policy plan will expand access to care, empower consumers, and promote health equity in Arizona and beyond. By reinforcing the foundation laid by the Affordable Care Act, Families First Coronavirus Response Act, and American Rescue Plan Act, we can start to fix what’s broken in the U.S. healthcare system.

Will you join us?  

We’re calling on Arizona Senators Kelly and Sinema to take bold steps to promote access to affordable care. 

Operation: Affordable Healthcare policy priorities

  1. Close the family glitch to open Marketplace health coverage to families paying too much for dependent coverage through their employer-sponsored health plans.
  2. Extend the American Rescue Plan Act’s health care affordability provisions beyond 2022 to ensure everyone can get the care they need without breaking the bank.
  3. Require Medicaid to cover people for twelve months after pregnancy (Arizona is on its way to making this happen at the state level! Please take a minute to let your legislator know it’s important that this is funded in the state budget.)
  4. Cover Arizonans fully from toe to top – mental health, oral health, and all the rest. Medicaid and Medicare should cover the whole person at parity.
  5. When children qualify for Medicaid or CHIP they should be continuously covered for a full year – no more pesky paperwork for hardworking Arizona families.
  6. Save Arizona families money at the pharmacy by allowing Medicare to negotiate prescription drug prices.
  7. Play for keeps; make permanent funding for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP; KidsCare in Arizona).

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