
Oral Health Day at the Capitol 2024

This month, CAA joined the Arizona Oral Health Coalition at the Capitol with the message to lawmakers that children and families cannot be healthy without good oral health. We asked legislators to prioritize comprehensive dental care for adults in AHCCCS in the budget they will be negotiating with the Governor.

Our Representatives and Senators were supportive, but our bill SB1037 has not been heard in the House Health and Human Services Committee, and this week is the last week for bills to be heard in the opposite chamber from where they were introduced. Thanks to all who came and got to see their legislature in action. Thanks also to our Representatives and Senators for learning about oral health. We will keep making our voices heard.


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Champions for Children Annual Event

Thursday, October 31, 2024 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM Arizona Heritage Center 1300 N College Ave, Tempe, AZ 85288   Join child advocates and supporters at CAA’s annual event to honor champions who work tirelessly to build an Arizona where all children and families thrive. We will recognize unsung...


ICYM: Elevate Her Event

As we closed out June, the Arizona Center for Economic Progress and Children’s Action Alliance gathered with leaders from a broad spectrum of backgrounds to host a data filled forum on the impact that lack of child care and paid family medical leave have on women, their families, and the economy. Why…

Arizona’s Group Home Problem – An Opportunity Missed

Click here to watch Fostering Advocates Arizona board member, Jacob Holley, share his lived experience in group homes. Arizona has a deep group home problem, and it is time that serious steps are taken to address it: the Department of Child Safety’s (DCS’s) massive over-reliance on harmful...