
Racism Has No Place in a Child’s Life

Children’s Action Alliance (CAA) was formed over thirty years ago with a vision of an Arizona in which all children grow up healthy and safe and ready to succeed. As we reflect on the events of the past few days, we realize we are a far cry from that world. We mourn the tragic and unnecessary deaths of George Floyd and Dion Johnson and so many that have passed before them at the hands of police violence. We share in the anguish and pain of those that call for an end to racism and brutality towards black and brown communities.

Over the past week, our attention has been brought to the need for a police and public safety system that our children deserve. Everyone should be able to live, work, and travel with an expectation that their interactions with police will be fair and just. We call upon lawmakers to act swiftly on the long-standing and clearly articulated specific criminal justice and police reforms demanded by local faith leaders, advocates, and residents. We join our brave community leaders in asking for accountability and civilian oversight of police departments, for policies to reduce excessive use of force, and for comprehensive data reporting on police interactions with community.

As an organization, we continue to challenge ourselves to think creatively and critically to find new ways to support Arizona’s children and families. It will take the entire community – parents, teachers, residents, elected officials, community leaders and law enforcement - to build a society where no child has to fear or witness systemic violence and children can grow up celebrating their uniqueness. When children thrive, our communities thrive.

Siman Qaasim, CEO & President

Brint Milward, Board Chair

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