
Register to vote

Children cannot vote, but we can. Arizona’s children are counting on all eligible voters to raise their voices and vote for candidates and ballot measures that will improve the quality of life for families and future generations. Monday, October 5 is the last day to register to vote. To register to vote, click here, or to update your current voter information for the upcoming election on November 3, please click here.

This year’s election goes beyond who will be president. Your vote is your voice on issues affecting education, healthcare, and safety of children in the state.

Children’s Action Alliance has a candidate questionnaire  and virtual forums to help voters learn more about candidates’ positions on issues important to children:

We will bring more of these virtual platforms over the next few weeks so stay tuned for updates.

Future generations are depending on you to vote for candidates and ballot measures that will help children, families, and communities thrive. Every vote matters and every vote counts. Make a pledge with our partner, Protecting Arizona's Family Coalition, to vote this election and help others to vote too.

Children’s Action Alliance (CAA) is proud to provide non-partisan information to educate voters about children’s health, education, and security. We help to connect voters with the candidates who share their priorities. As an independent voice for Arizona children at the state capitol and in the community, CAA does not support or oppose candidates for public office.

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