
Resources for Immigrants and Their Families During COVID-19

COVID-19 is a powerful reminder that regardless of where we come from or how we make a living, everyone should have what we need to be well. For many immigrant families the pandemic has exacerbated existing uncertainty and fears about seeking medical care. On March 13, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) announced that testing, prevention, or treatment for COVID-19, would NOT be used against immigrants in a public charge test or green card application. Immigrant and mixed-status families are encouraged to seek the care they need.

Click Here to Download the COVID-19 Immigrant Resources Guide in English and Spanish

Reminders for navigating public charge during COVID-19:

  • Public benefits used by your family members will not count against your application. If your children or family members are citizens or already have green cards, they should continue to use the benefits for which they are eligible.
  • Emergency Medicaid/AHCCCS will not count against your green card application.
  • Medicaid/AHCCCS used by children under age 21 will not count against your green card application.
  • Health care provided by community health centers will not count against your green card application.
  • Unemployment benefits are considered an “earned benefit” and will not count against your green card application.

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