
Take Action Today for Public Schools

As a consequence of the COVID pandemic and the resulting steep decline in state revenue, state education funding — and our schools —face deep, damaging cuts.

Without significant federal education funding support, schools will need to make very difficult budget decisions and cuts after an already difficult spring. Strong federal government assistance would make a major difference.

If the Senate fails to act soon and provide emergency funding, schools will have to lay off teachers and support staff who our children need more than ever, and the education and future of students will suffer.

Please contact Senate leaders now and ask them to provide $200 billion in Education Stabilization funding and $4 billion for home learning access for public schools.

Forfeiting our children’s education and future is unacceptable and unnecessary.

From our families to yours, thank you for your support of public education.


Siman Qaasim, Children's Action Alliance

Mark Joraanstad, Arizona School Administrators

Rebecca Gau, Stand for Children Arizona

Beth Lewis, Save our Schools Arizona

Christine M. Thompson, Expect More Arizona

P.S. Your voice is crucial in this — please let Senator McSally, Senator Sinema and your Representatives know how important this funding is, today!

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