
Thank you to Governor Ducey

For months, the early childhood community has experienced a workforce shortage crisis, and as more Arizonans return to work, it has been a challenge for child care providers to hire enough staff. For health and safety reasons, child care providers must maintain strict child-to-staff ratios, and with no new staff onboard, many have had to turn away parents seeking care for their children.

But help is now on the way!

On Friday, to coincide with Child Care Provider Appreciation Day, Governor Ducey and DES announced the release of $9M in remaining CARES Act funds for the Child Care Workforce Retention and Recruitment Grant program. These grant funds can be used for salaries and benefits for employees or bonus incentives for hiring and retention. Child care group homes and family child care homes without staff may utilize funds for a variety of expenses including licensing fees, liability insurance, tuition and registration relief for families, lease and mortgage payments, utilities, classroom materials, and supplies. Also, providers will receive additional supports and training on improving business practices that will help save time, money, and improve the quality of the services they deliver.

Special thanks to Governor Ducey for making these funds available. While the program will not completely solve the crisis we currently face, it is an important first step to assuring a competent, highly skilled workforce to care for our children.

More information about the grant program.

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