Children’s Action Alliance asks you to immediately email or call Chairwoman Carine Werner and ask her to include SB1305 on next week’s Senate Health and Human Services (HHS) Committee agenda.   

Background on Bill 

SB1305:  Temporary assistance; child-only case sponsored by Sen. Shope 

  • Updates TANF eligibility rules to provide cash assistance for children living with non-parent relatives who are responsible for the child's basic needs.  
  • Impact: Provides more support for children in kinship care.  

Details for Contact:

Email address: cwerner@azleg.gov   

Phone: 602.926.3673  

Subject: URGENT: Please add SB1305 to the HHS agenda!  

Email Template

Chairwoman Werner, 

I am respectfully requesting that SB1305 be added to your Senate HHS Committee agenda. This bill is an important tool to allow children that live with kinship caregivers, such as grandparents, aunts, and uncles to receive the vital financial support needed to meet the child’s basic needs. 

Kinship caregivers provide a stable and loving home for children who might otherwise enter the foster care system. However, many kinship caregivers struggle to meet the financial needs of the children, which may be an impediment to their health, education, and wellbeing. 

SB1305 will provide crucial financial support to keep children out of the foster care system and help them to thrive with their kinship caregivers. Please add SB1305 to your HHS agenda. 

Thank you for your time and consideration. 


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(your contact info)

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