We Won!

We Won!

Yesterday, in a unanimous decision, the Arizona Supreme Court ruled that the Invest in Ed ballot initiative will remain on the November ballot.  Now, millions of Arizona voters will have the opportunity to put more resources into our schools. We have made Arizona history because of your hard work and support and we cannot thank you enough!

Today’s victory, while incredibly important, is just another step towards winning on Election night.

Here are three things you can do today: 

1. Sign up to volunteer - we need your help to win in November!

a. And/Or Click here to RSVP for our statewide volunteer call at 6 PM tomorrow

2. If you, your family members or friends own businesses, we need their support. Please ask them to endorse the Invest in Education campaign today.

3. Chip in $5 for a yard sign OR click above and sign up for a volunteer shift to get one

Finally, when talking about Invest in Education, please let people know:

The Invest in Education measure helps students and increases school funding – while not taxing the working and middle-class families being hammered by the pandemic.  

Only the wealthiest Arizonans pay more under this measure, while every Arizona student will get a better education and the opportunity to learn. 

Thanks again for all your support!

Paid for by Children’s Action Alliance and the Arizona Center for Economic Progress. Not authorized by any candidate.

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