
Yesterday Babies and Toddlers Rain Down on the Capitol

The Arizona Early Childhood Alliance (AZECA) hosted its Early Childhood Day at the Arizona State Capitol. The annual day of advocacy brings together families and early childhood champions to raise awareness of the importance of a child’s earliest years.

Families and early childhood advocates attended breakout sessions on a variety of legislative topics and had the opportunity to meet with their legislators during breakfast and facilitated visits throughout the day. CAA President and CEO Siman Qaasim, and Arizona Hispanic Chamber of Commerce President, Monica Villalobos presented during a meeting of the Senate Health and Human Services Committee. To wrap up the day, a legislator panel led by Senate Minority Leader, David Bradley and Representative Aaron Lieberman (pictured below) highlighted the importance of restoring funding to early childhood programs.

Thank you to all of the legislators who meet with their constituents and to Southwest Human Development (@SWHDaz), Arizona Hispanic Chamber of Commerce (@azhcc), Zero to Three (@ZEROTOTHREE), Valley of the Sun United Way (@myvsuw), Stand for Children Arizona (@ArizonaStand), Expect More Arizona (@ExpectMoreAZ), First Things First (@AZFTF), and the rest of our 53 partner organizations.

Special thanks to Barbie Prinster and Eric Bucher who co-chaired the planning committee and to everyone who volunteered many hours of their time for making the 2020 #ECDay possible.

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