
Youth. Speak. Change. FAAZ Day at the Capitol

The young leaders of Fostering Advocate Arizona (FAAZ), alumni of foster care and change agents, hosted their annual Day at the Capitol today!

The FAAZ Young Adult Leadership Board started their day at the House Health and Human Services Committee where they  supported bill HB2632 which, if enacted, will make it easier for former foster youth to keep their Medicaid coverage after they age out of foster care. Following that, they met with Assistant Superintendent of Public Instruction, Kate Wright at the Arizona Department of Education and later had lunch with key legislators.

The FAAZ board shared their 2020 Priorities with lawmakers and include:

• Prioritize family finding and preserve healthy connections

• Reduce Department of Child Safety caseloads and enhance the case specialist relationship

• Help youth aging out secure stable housing by increasing the Independent Living Subsidy

• Increase access to healthcare by reducing bureaucratic barriers (HB 2632)

• Invest in the potential of foster youth by improving the Arizona Tuition Waiver (HB 2763)

Thanks to Representative Blackman, who is sponsoring both bills. Stay tuned for their progress throughout the legislative session!

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