
Today’s the day – ACA repeal oral arguments before SCOTUS

Oral arguments in the case challenging the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), now named California v. Texas, are being heard today at the US Supreme Court. If part or all of the ACA is overturned, the only way to save the law, and all the protections for Americans that come with it,…


Today is the last day to vote, Election Day

Thank you, Arizonans, for casting a record number of ballots before Election Day! If you have not done so, you still have a chance to make your voice heard in this election. Today is the time to get out to vote. Key races that directly impact children, such as for school board and legislative seats,…


The impact of COVID-19 on youth aging out of foster care

Fostering Advocates Arizona (FAAZ), a group of young leaders with lived experience in the child welfare system, conducted two surveys during the pandemic: one of foster and former foster youth ages 14 to 26 and one of adult providers and allies. Some of the results: Over 1/3 of young people reported that…

Mohamed and his son in his grocery store, Phoenix Mini Market

KIDS COUNT Data Book is the only source to focus on statewide trends about Arizona’s children

Children’s Action Alliance (CAA) is proud to present the 2020 Arizona KIDS COUNT Data Book—the only biennial source to focus on statewide trends about Arizona’s children. Thanks to the support of the Annie E. Casey Foundation, this powerful resource helps inform decision-makers and stakeholders…


Child care is an essential service

A new poll released last week by the First Five Years Fund, confirms that now more than ever Americans view child care as an essential service on par with health care and education. The early childhood community was hit hard by the challenges the COVID-19 pandemic created. Many programs closed,…


Register to vote

Children cannot vote, but we can. Arizona’s children are counting on all eligible voters to raise their voices and vote for candidates and ballot measures that will improve the quality of life for families and future generations. Monday, October 5 is the last day to register to vote. To register to…


The time is now for Arizona to reimagine an equitable child welfare system that supports children within their families and communities

The disproportionate impact of COVID-19 and the current manifestations of the nation’s troubled history of systemic racism has sparked outcries to not just reform, but to reimagine the criminal justice, health care, and education systems. Those same calls are also being heard in the child welfare…


New Developments in the ACA repeal case before SCOTUS

The Supreme Court of the United States has set a date to hear oral arguments in California v. Texas: one week after election day, November 10, 2020. This lawsuit has the potential to overturn the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA), which has been instrumental in providing comprehensive,…


ACTION ALERT: Tell Congress to Include every American Family in COVID-19 Relief and Recovery

The U.S. Senate finally introduced their version of the next COVID-19 relief bill and a vote could come as early as this week. Though there is speculation that the new bill doesn’t have the votes to pass, now is a critical moment to reach out to lawmakers. With this next legislation, we have an...