
The 2020 Legislative Fact Sheets Are Here

We are pleased to share with you our updated 2020 Legislative District Fact Sheets.

Our goal is to help policymakers and the community understand conditions affecting kids’ health, education and security, and where we can do better all across Arizona.

This is an election year and you can use this critical information to ask candidates how they plan to improve conditions for kids in your community.

Visit our website to see how kids are faring in your legislative district compared to the rest of Arizona. Not sure which district is yours? Find out here.

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Champions for Children Annual Event

Presented by   Thursday, October 31, 2024 11:00 AM – 1:00 PM Arizona Heritage Center 1300 N College Ave, Tempe, AZ 85288   Join child advocates and supporters at CAA’s annual event to honor champions who work tirelessly to build an Arizona where all children and families thrive....


ICYM: Elevate Her Event

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