Public Charge Goes Into Effect February 24
After months of controversy and litigation, we have some bad news about the Department of Homeland Security’s Public Charge rule. The US Supreme Court has issued a stay on the nationwide injunction against the rule, meaning the the final rule will go into effect later this month on February 24, 2020….

Great News for Arizona’s Youngest Children
This past December when the new federal budget was signed, Congress once again recognized the importance of giving all children access to high quality early childhood experiences. The new budget includes an increase of $13.4M in child care assistance funding for Arizona’s children and families. This…

The 2020 Legislative Fact Sheets Are Here
We are pleased to share with you our updated 2020 Legislative District Fact Sheets. Our goal is to help policymakers and the community understand conditions affecting kids’ health, education and security, and where we can do better all across Arizona. This is an election year and you can use this critical…

Bright Spots in the Governor's Budget proposal
We have been spending the last several days unpacking the Governor’s proposed budget and there is a lot to like and some questions that are yet to be answered. This is only the Governor’s proposal and not necessarily what will be in the final budget once it is negotiated and passed. The Governor’s…

Governor’s State of the State Address
Governor Ducey highlighted some bright spots for Arizona’s children in his State of the State address Monday, such as providing more support for foster children aging out of the system and doubling the stipend for kinship caregivers. He also said there are plans to restore district additional assistance…

Statement: Governor Ducey Gets it Right on Some Things, But Arizona Needs More Investment in Children
PDF Version (Phoenix, AZ) – The following is a statement from Siman Qaasim, president and CEO of Children’s Action Alliance on Governor Ducey’s State of the State Address, which was delivered this afternoon from the state capitol: “The governor highlighted some bright spots for Arizona’s…

Join Us in Supporting Arizona Kids This Legislative Session
We are just a few days away from the start of the legislative session and CAA has a full list of priorities we are working on. Here are just few: Raise the academic performance of English Learners by repealing failed English-only laws and giving districts the flexibility to adopt evidence-based dual…

Some Good News in the Federal Budget
The 2020 budget agreement signed into law by the president shortly before the end of the year has good news for important services for children and families! The budget includes: A total of $5.8 billion for The Child Care Development Block Grant, an increase of $550 million over last year, to be divided…